Choose from over 200,000+ candidates database, covering any profession and skill level, for recruitment and temporary work

Details about the candidate

See the candidate's experience, save them to the list and ask for more details.

If you would like to find out more information about this candidate, please request us using the button below.

You will receive a full CV and a video presentation of the candidate's skills.

Dr Hamid Afridi

Additional information



Romanian Residence Permit (TRC)






Type of activity

Healthcare Administration

Healthcare Administration (Job Title)

Health Services Manager

We help you find the ideal candidates for your business!

We give you access to tens of thousands of candidates with different specializations, with or without experience.

We simplify the recruitment process for you, offering you support in hiring personnel from construction, HoReCa, agriculture, services, automotive and any other fields.

All candidates are skill tested and given an assessment of their level of understanding and expression in English.

We provide you with our recommendations regarding the level of adaptability of the future employee and, at the client's request, we also offer psychological testing of the selected candidates.

After hiring, we organize feedback meetings with both the client and the candidate, to ensure the smooth running of the employment contract.

We also mediate any dispute that may exist between the parties.


Select ideal candidates, send us the list, get the CVs, evaluate, interview, and employ candidates with our support.

Select the candidates that you think are suitable for your business, from the list of available candidates.

Send us the list of candidates and we contact you to understand your needs and evaluate the list of potential employees together.

We conduct video interviews with those selected and, at the client's request, we also offer a psychological assessment.

We offer you support for obtaining the necessary documents to bring candidates to the country and post employment.

Select from thousands of available candidates

Our database includes tens of thousands of candidates from Asia and Africa interested in working in Romania

Add them to your list

We offer you support for obtaining the necessary documents to bring candidates to the country and post employment.

We send you their resume and videos of their skills

Candidates are registered on One Staff with CVs and skills presentation videos, but these data are not mandatory for the presence of candidates in the recruitment platform.

If the CV or video is missing, we can provide it to you upon request.