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CNC Machinist with Programming Skills (Romanian and EU Applicants Only)

  • Full Time
  • Finland


(Romanian and EU Applicants Only)


Hourly Rate: €17-19/hour, plus averaging leave/Pekkanen of 12.5 days per year, paid as used.


  • Operate and program a 5-axis horizontal Heidenhain-controlled machining center with a rotating corner piece.
  • Independently handle Heidenhain control programming, including desktop programming and tool selection settings.
  • Machine various materials, including stainless steel, black steel, casting blanks, welded steel structures, and iron.
  • Handle single-piece work with dimensions up to 600x600x3000 mm, ensuring precision and quality.


  • Advanced programming skills in Heidenhain controls, with experience in independent programming.
  • Familiarity with tool selection and setting programming for diverse materials.
  • Communicative English or Finnish language skills.
  • Flexibility for two-shift work and banked hours.


  • Opportunity for a competitive hourly rate based on skills and experience.
  • Paid leave under the averaging leave/Pekkanen system, with 12.5 days per year, paid as taken.

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    Maximum file size: 1 GB.

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    One of the best recruitment agencies in Europe Has listed OneStaff as one of the top 10 recruitment agencies in Europe.
    We take into consideration only CV applications with video presentations of candidates showing their skills at work.
    Every job submission is taken seriously by employers, so we ask candidates to treat this application with utmost seriousness. We recommend that you send us a video in which we can see your working skills and the results you get. This will help you get selected more easily for available positions.
    Why choose us?
    We connect serious companies with serious workers!

    Over the past four years, we have supplied thousands of non-EU workers to Romanian and European companies.
    • One Staff is a recruitment company for qualified personnel that operates internationally.
    • We can say that we are among the most demanding in the process of recruiting staff, respecting the contracts assumed by both the candidate and the employer.
    • We monitor and mediate both the activity of the employee and that of the employer.
    • The process is transparent, done step by step in compliance with the deadlines and taking into account the legislation of each country.
    • We firmly intervene in the observance of employment contracts.
    • We recruit staff from Romania, Asia, Europe, Africa and South America.
    • One Staff tries to negotiate the best salary, accommodation and bonus conditions.