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& Live in Europe

We connect serious companies with dedicated and skilled workers from Romania, Africa, and Asia.

workers needed for europe

We connect serious companies with serious workers!

One step closer to your job in Europe!

Construction and infrastructure



Healthcare and elders support services

Hospitality and cleaning services


Find out why we are

One of the best recruitment agencies
in Europe Has listed
as one of the top 10 recruitment agencies in Europe.
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Why Choose One Staff?

Start your journey with One Staff today and take the first step towards working and living in Europe.

Extensive Network and Reach

We have the largest network of representatives for employment in Europe and recruit internationally from Romania, Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America.

Strict Recruitment Standards

We ensure that your job placement process is smooth and that all parties adhere strictly to contracts.

Transparency and Compliance

Our recruitment process is clear and respects the legislation of each country. We negotiate the best salary, accommodation, and bonuses for you.

Broad Geographical Recruitment

We recruit from a wide range of countries, including Sri Lanka, Nepal, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Vietnam.